Food Donations for Parent Teacher Conferences 2022
Looking for donations at Main Site (780 Shoreline)
With Parent Teacher Conferences fast approaching, we'd like to show our teachers and staff how thankful we are for them and all they do for our school. We are scheduling a day of extra snacks and treats on Thursday, November 17 and a catered dinner on November 21.
We need your help in making these teachers and staff members feel some extra love during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Sign Up Instructions
Please sign up for an item or two at
All donations can be dropped off at the main site front office (780 Shoreline Drive)
** Please drop all donations off by Tuesday, November 15th **
Teachers from McCarty, Gombert, & Graham
The onsite schools' PTAs will graciously provide meals for the respective preschool staff along with their staff.
Looking To Donate to Graham Preschool Staff
If you are a Graham Preschool Family and want to help out the staff at that site the Graham PTA provide meals and snacks for the preschool faculty at their site please go to for sign up instructions.